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WPDOS - How to use or convert WordPerfect Files under OS X How to Use or Convert WordPerfect Files under OS X/macOS Read this first: The information onthis page is designed for users of any current or recent Macintosh computer. Youshould read this page if you have WordPerfect files that you want to open inWord for the Mac or other current Macintosh software.Important note: Your WordPerfect files do not require a.WPD extension to be used with any of these methods!If you have WordPerfect for DOS orWordPerfect for Windows files that you want to open inyour ancient copy ofMicrosoft Word for the Mac, you may ignore this pageand go directly to.If you want to open or use WordPerfect files inMicrosoft Word for Windows, see a. Run WordPerfect for Windows under Parallels Desktop or VMwareFusion. The commercial applications Parallels Desktop and VMwareFusion can both run a Windows application in a window on the OS X/macOS desktop, andboth work surprisingly well to integrate a Windows application into OS X/macOS. Youwill need a copy of Windows itself in order to use these applications. Searchthe web for the web sites of these programs. A free application, VirtualBox, canaccomplish similar feats, but is infinitely more difficult to set up.2.

Run WordPerfect for DOS under emulation software (recommended only for experienced users of WPDOS). Various methods toperform this feat are described on a separate pages for this site'snew or itsandother,.3. Run WordPerfect for the Macintosh under software that emulatesan old 68K or PowerPC Mac (recommended only for experienced usersof WPMac).

These methods are described on separate pages for aand aless-advanced, mostlyfor older Macs.4. Convert your WP files into Word or RTF formatfor editing in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Pages, or some other Mac-nativesoftware; or convert your WP files into PDF format fordistribution but not for editing. Different methods for converting WP files maybe found on the rest of this page. Each will produce slightly different results.These methods are as follows:. Thisis a small program that works with either Microsoft Word 2016 or LibreOffice,if either of these is installed on your system, to complete a conversion fromWP format to Word or PDF formats. This may produce the best results of any method.

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Thisstandalone conversion program, created by this site, uses open-sourceutilities to convert WP files to DOCX or PDF formats. This is the fastest of these converter programs. Thisis a large-scale standalone conversion program, created by this site, based on theconversion software in the LibreOffice word-processing program.This standalone conversion program, created by this site, uses the oldMacLink Plus converters running in the SheepShaver emulator, to convert WPfiles to DOC or PDF format, or to convert Word DOC or DOCX files into WP 5.1format.This is a standalone conversion program, created by this site, that usesembedded copies of WordPerfect for the Mac and the DOS-based ConvertPerfectprogram.

This program can export old WP file formats into more modern WPformats. orother word-processing programs that use the libwpd conversion filter toimport WP files, edit them, and export them in other formats, but cannotexport edited files in WP format.5. Copy the contents of a WP file tothe OS X/macOS clipboard.A utility supplied by this site lets youcopy the formatted text of a WP document (created on the Mac or in DOS orWindows) to the OS X/macOS clipboard for pasting in OS X/macOS applications. Youneed not have a copy of WordPerfect on your system. Download and move the application to any convenientfolder.

You may either drop a document on the application or open theapplication and select a file.Password-protected files. Open these files in a copy of WordPerfect;remove the password; and then convert the file.WPMac files that use fonts provided by the Mac OS 'Language Kits'(Japanese, Korean, etc.). These files can be converted by theand the, or you may try the described elsewhere on this page.This conversion program uses an installed copy of Microsoft Word 2016 (orlater) or an installed copy of LibreOffice to complete a conversion fromWordPerfect to DOCX, DOC, or PDF formats. If it finds neither a suitable versionof Word nor LibreOffice, it uses built-in OS X/macOS tools to complete theconversion.Its method is to use the open-source libwpd WordPerfect import filter toconvert a WP file into Open Document (odt) format, and then uses either Word orLibreOffice to convert from Open Document to DOCX, DOC, or PDF format.

Dependingon the original document, you may get better results with Word or withLibreOffice.Download the WPWordConverter in(1.5 MB). Extract theWPWordConverter and place it anywhere on your disk. If you have LibreOffice, butnot Word, change the name of the application to WPLibreConverter.You can drop one or more WP files on the application to convert them intoDOCX format; the original files will remain unchanged; the converted versionswill be in the same folder and have the same name as the original, with a.DOCXextension. Alternatively, you can launch the application and select one file toconvert.If you use Word to complete the conversion, Word will need to go online touse a converter on Microsoft's website. This will be slow, and Word will askpermission the first time it does so. (If the application times out this firsttime, simply run it again.)If you want to create files in DOC or PDF format instead of DOCX, hold downthe Option key when launching the application and follow the prompts.If you find this application useful, please feel to make ato the site.This standalone conversion program uses the opensource wpd2odt and pandocutilities to convert WP files to DOCX files or PDF files.

It can also convert.WPG images to PNG files using the open-source wpg2svg and rsvg-convert programs. It is by far the fastest of these conversion programs, but the results may not be as satisfactory as the results given by the WPWordConverter.Download WPExport in (18 MB). Extract the WPExport application and placeit anywhere on your disk.You can drop one or more files on the application to convert them to DOCX format; the original files will remain unchanged; the converted versions will be in the same folder and have the same name as the original, with a.DOCX extension. Alternatively, you can launch the application and select one file to convert.By default, this application converts WP files to DOCX format, but if you change the nameof the application so that it includes the letters 'PDF', it will create PDFfiles instead.You may also drop one or more WPG graphics files on the applcation, and it will create one or more PNGfiles in the same directory.This standalone conversion program is based on the conversion software in theLibreOffice word-processor, which uses the most recent version of theopen-source lipwpd WordPerfect import filter. The converter was devised by thecreator of this site; if you find it useful, please feel to make ato the site.By default, it exports files to.DOC format, but can be customized to exportto.RTF or PDF formats instead.

(See afor more details about LibreOffice.) The program may also be used toso thatthey may be edited in WPMac.Download the WPLO Converter in(175 MB). Extract the WPLO Converter andplace it anywhere on your disk.Supported versions of OS X/macOS: The WPLO Converter runsunder OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, and 10.14.Warning: The first time you try to converta file with the WPLO Converter, it will almost certainly fail with an errormessage, or it will simply fail without an error.

If this happens, simplyrun the program again. It should work correctlyafter the first time.You may convert one or more WP files by dropping them on the WPLO Converter,or you may double-click on the application and select a WP file. The first timeyou launch the application it may not succeed in starting the requiredbackground processes.

If this occurs, it will display one or more errormessages. Close down the software and try again.

After the first time it runscorrectly, it should work more smoothly in the future.The exported files will be in the same folder with the original, with thesame name as the original, but with an added.DOC,.RTF,.ODT, or.PDF extension. If afile already exists with the same name, the newly-created copy will have anumber at the end of the name, before the extension. By default, the programexports in.DOC format, which is the native format of Microsoft Word 97 through2003.The WPLO Converter can convert password-protected WordPerfect documents if -and only if - both of the following are true: ( 1) you know thepassword and can enter it when prompted; ( 2) the documents were createdeither by WordPerfect for the Macintosh or any version of WordPerfect for DOS orWindows or Unix up to and including 5.2, but not 6.x or later.You may customize the WPLO Converter by changing its name, as described inthe following paragraphs.

You may give any name to the application; the presenceor absence of specific strings of letters control the way the program operates.For example, you can rename the program 'BritneySpears' and it will work exactlyas it normally does; but if you rename it as 'Britney PDF Spears' then it willexport to.PDF format instead of the default.DOC format.Change the default output format. By default the WPLO Converterexports files in.DOC format.

To export to.RTF format, add the string 'RTF' tothe name of the application. To export to the.ODT format used by LibreOffice andOpenOffice.org, add the string 'ODT' to the name of the application. To export to.PDF format, add the string 'PDF' to thename of the application.Automatically open the converted file. If you want to edit theconverted file immediately after creating it, add the string 'Open' to the nameof the converter. The converted file will open in the default application usedby OS X/macOS to open the filetype of the converted file.

For example, if you add'Open RTF' to the name of the converter, the converted.RTF file will openautomatically in TextEdit.Specify the application that opens the converted file. If you wantthe converted document to open automatically in a different application from theOS X/macOS default for the filetype, add 'Setup' to the name of theapplication. Youwill be presented with a list of applications that OS X/macOS can use to open theoutput file; select the one you wish to use.

Before running the WPLO Converter asecond time, remove 'Setup' from the name. (Each time you use the 'Setup'option, you will need to select an application, or the default application willbe restored.)Display a brief help message. To display a help message, add 'Help'to the name of the application.To do this, follow theseinstructions:To convert from other formats to WP format, change the name of the WPLOConverter so that it includes 'to WP' in its name (that's 'to WP' with a spacebetween the two words, NOT 'toWP' - this is important!). For example, you mightcall it 'WPLO to WP Converter' or anything that includes 'to WP'.Drop a DOC, DOCX, RTF, or other standard document file on to the renamedapplication (or double-click it so that it prompts you to select a file). Theapplication will open and close a few windows, and finally create a WPMac 3.0file (that's WPMac 3.0, not 3.5e) in the same folder as the original, with thesame filename as the original but with a '.wpmac' extension added at the end ofthe name. That extension is arbitrary, and of course you can rename the outputfiles to any name you like. (If the filename of the converted file is longer than 31characters, you will need to shorten the name before you can open the file inWPMac.)If you change the 'LOWP Converter' application name so that it includes 'toWP5' (or 'to WP01' - all that matters is the 'to WP5' part) it willoutput files in WP51 format instead of WPMac 3.0.

If you change the applicationname so that it includes 'to WP6', it will output files in WP6.x format. If youuse either of these options (for WP5 or WP6) the converted file will have theextension '.wpd' instead of '.wpmac'; '.wpd' is the standard extensionfor WPfiles under Windows.Note: The WPLO Converter is frequently updated.This standalone conversion program uses the old MacLink converters (runningunder OS 8.6 in the SheepShaver emulator) to convert WP files to DOC or PDFfiles, or to convert Word DOC or DOCX files to WPDOS 5.1 files (which can beopened in any version of WP for DOS, Windows, or the Mac).Download WPConversions in(220 MB). Extract the WPConversions application and placeit anywhere on your disk.By default, it converts WP files to DOC format, but if you change the name ofthe application so that it includes the letters 'PDF, it will create PDF filesinstead. Either drop a WP file on the application, or launch the application andselect a file. The DOC file (or PDF file) will be created in the same folder withthe WP file.If you rename the application so that it has the string 'toWP' in its name(not case-sensitive, but without a space between 'to' and 'WP') it will convert DOC or DOCX files to WP 5.1format. Either drop a Word file on the application, or launch the applicationand select a file. The WP file will be created in the same folder with the Wordfile.Summary of naming options:.

By default, WPConversions creates DOCfiles. If you like, rename it something like WPtoDOC, and itwill continue to create DOC files. Rename it something like WPtoPDF, and it will createPDF files.

Rename it something like WordToWP and it will convertWord DOC or DOCX files to WPDOS 5.1 files.Important! If, when the SheepShaver emulator starts up,it displays a message asking you to check the web for updated filters orcontinue translation, click the button that says 'Continue Translation'! Youmay need to click it twice; be patient.This standalone conversion program uses multiple methods for converting WPfiles into other formats. When converting WPMac files, it uses a copy ofWordPerfect for the Mac running in the SheepShaver emulator program; whenconverting most WPDOS or WPWin files, it uses the DOS-based ConvertPerfectutility, running in the DOSBox emulator; for a very few older WP documentformats, it uses modules from the DOS-based Word for Word program, also runningin DOSBox. By default, it exports files to.RTF format, but can be customized toexport to.DOC or PDF formats instead.Because files created in the WPMac 3.5e (3.5 Enhanced) format may not beopened in WordPerfect for Windows, the WP Converter can also export these filesto the formats used by WPMac 3.0-3.5.4, WPDOS 5.1, or WPDOS 6.x; these files canbe opened in WordPerfect for Windows.The converter was devised by the creator of this site; if you find it useful,please feel to make ato the site.Download the WP Converter in(32 MB). Extract the WP Converter and placeit anywhere on your disk.Supported versions of OS X/macOS: I have tested the WPConverter under OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, macOS 10.12and 10.13.You may convert one or more WP files by dropping them on the WP Converter, oryou may double-click on the application and select a WP file to convert.The exported files will be in the same folder with the original, with thesame name as the original, but with an added.RTF,.DOC, or.PDF extension. If afile already exists with the same name, the newly-created copy will have anumber at the end of the name, before the extension.

By default, the programexports in.RTF format. Files exported in.DOC format use an older version ofthat format which may not be openable in many versions of Microsoft Word, so youare advised to export to the default.RTF format instead.You may customize the WP Converter by changing its name, as described in thefollowing paragraphs. You may give any name to the application, but the presence orabsence of specific strings of letters in its name will control the way the program operates. Appointment made on iphone not showing up in outlook for mac. Forexample, you can rename the program 'JustinBieber' and it will work exactly asit normally does; but if you rename it as 'Justin PDF Bieber' then it willexport to.PDF format instead of the default.RTF format.Change the default output format.

By default the WP Converterexports files in.RTF format. To export to.DOC format, add the string 'DOC' tothe name of the converter. To export to.PDF format, add the string 'PDF' to thename of the converter.To use the Mac-based converter to convert all files, even those createdby WPDOS or WPWin. The different conversion methods available in thisapplication produce slightly different results. If you prefer to use theembedded copy of WPMac for converting files created by WPDOS or WPWin (inaddition to using it for WPMac files), add the string 'AllMac' to theapplication name.To use the DOS-based converter to convert all files, even those createdby WPMac. The different conversion methods available in this applicationproduce slightly different results.

Converter pwi to doc download free for mac pc

If you prefer to use the DOS-basedConvertPerfect or Word for Word converters for WPMac files (in addition to usingthem for WPDOS files), add the string 'NoMac' to the application name.To convert WPMac documents to a different WP format. To convertfiles in WPMac format to a WP format that can be opened by WordPerfect forWindows, add any of these strings to the name of the converter: 'ToWP3' (exportsto WPMac 3.0-3.5.4 format), 'ToWP51' (exports to WPDOS 5.1 format), or 'ToWP60'(exports to WPDOS 6.x format). (Note that this option may not be used with the'NoMac' option described above.)Display a brief help message. To display a help message, add 'Help'to the name of the application.Troubleshooting. The procedure used by this application forconverting WPMac files uses an embedded copy of WPMac running the SheepShaveremulator, with WPMac and SheepShaver controlled by AppleScripts. This is acomplicated system; in case of difficulties, you may need to pause the operationto manipulate the SheepShaver setup. Add the string 'NoStart' to the convertername so that SheepShaver will open, but the conversion process will not beginautomatically.

To prevent SheepShaver from closing down after the conversionprocess, add the string 'NoQuit'.

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WPDOS - How to use or convert WordPerfect Files under OS X How to Use or Convert WordPerfect Files under OS X/macOS Read this first: The information onthis page is designed for users of any current or recent Macintosh computer. Youshould read this page if you have WordPerfect files that you want to open inWord for the Mac or other current Macintosh software.Important note: Your WordPerfect files do not require a.WPD extension to be used with any of these methods!If you have WordPerfect for DOS orWordPerfect for Windows files that you want to open inyour ancient copy ofMicrosoft Word for the Mac, you may ignore this pageand go directly to.If you want to open or use WordPerfect files inMicrosoft Word for Windows, see a. Run WordPerfect for Windows under Parallels Desktop or VMwareFusion. The commercial applications Parallels Desktop and VMwareFusion can both run a Windows application in a window on the OS X/macOS desktop, andboth work surprisingly well to integrate a Windows application into OS X/macOS. Youwill need a copy of Windows itself in order to use these applications. Searchthe web for the web sites of these programs. A free application, VirtualBox, canaccomplish similar feats, but is infinitely more difficult to set up.2.

Run WordPerfect for DOS under emulation software (recommended only for experienced users of WPDOS). Various methods toperform this feat are described on a separate pages for this site'snew or itsandother,.3. Run WordPerfect for the Macintosh under software that emulatesan old 68K or PowerPC Mac (recommended only for experienced usersof WPMac).

These methods are described on separate pages for aand aless-advanced, mostlyfor older Macs.4. Convert your WP files into Word or RTF formatfor editing in Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, Pages, or some other Mac-nativesoftware; or convert your WP files into PDF format fordistribution but not for editing. Different methods for converting WP files maybe found on the rest of this page. Each will produce slightly different results.These methods are as follows:. Thisis a small program that works with either Microsoft Word 2016 or LibreOffice,if either of these is installed on your system, to complete a conversion fromWP format to Word or PDF formats. This may produce the best results of any method.

Convert Xls To Doc Software - Free Download Convert Xls To Doc - Top 4 Download - Top4Download.com offers free software downloads for Windows, Mac, iOS and Android computers and mobile devices. Visit for free, full and secured software’s.

Thisstandalone conversion program, created by this site, uses open-sourceutilities to convert WP files to DOCX or PDF formats. This is the fastest of these converter programs. Thisis a large-scale standalone conversion program, created by this site, based on theconversion software in the LibreOffice word-processing program.This standalone conversion program, created by this site, uses the oldMacLink Plus converters running in the SheepShaver emulator, to convert WPfiles to DOC or PDF format, or to convert Word DOC or DOCX files into WP 5.1format.This is a standalone conversion program, created by this site, that usesembedded copies of WordPerfect for the Mac and the DOS-based ConvertPerfectprogram.

This program can export old WP file formats into more modern WPformats. orother word-processing programs that use the libwpd conversion filter toimport WP files, edit them, and export them in other formats, but cannotexport edited files in WP format.5. Copy the contents of a WP file tothe OS X/macOS clipboard.A utility supplied by this site lets youcopy the formatted text of a WP document (created on the Mac or in DOS orWindows) to the OS X/macOS clipboard for pasting in OS X/macOS applications. Youneed not have a copy of WordPerfect on your system. Download and move the application to any convenientfolder.

You may either drop a document on the application or open theapplication and select a file.Password-protected files. Open these files in a copy of WordPerfect;remove the password; and then convert the file.WPMac files that use fonts provided by the Mac OS 'Language Kits'(Japanese, Korean, etc.). These files can be converted by theand the, or you may try the described elsewhere on this page.This conversion program uses an installed copy of Microsoft Word 2016 (orlater) or an installed copy of LibreOffice to complete a conversion fromWordPerfect to DOCX, DOC, or PDF formats. If it finds neither a suitable versionof Word nor LibreOffice, it uses built-in OS X/macOS tools to complete theconversion.Its method is to use the open-source libwpd WordPerfect import filter toconvert a WP file into Open Document (odt) format, and then uses either Word orLibreOffice to convert from Open Document to DOCX, DOC, or PDF format.

Dependingon the original document, you may get better results with Word or withLibreOffice.Download the WPWordConverter in(1.5 MB). Extract theWPWordConverter and place it anywhere on your disk. If you have LibreOffice, butnot Word, change the name of the application to WPLibreConverter.You can drop one or more WP files on the application to convert them intoDOCX format; the original files will remain unchanged; the converted versionswill be in the same folder and have the same name as the original, with a.DOCXextension. Alternatively, you can launch the application and select one file toconvert.If you use Word to complete the conversion, Word will need to go online touse a converter on Microsoft's website. This will be slow, and Word will askpermission the first time it does so. (If the application times out this firsttime, simply run it again.)If you want to create files in DOC or PDF format instead of DOCX, hold downthe Option key when launching the application and follow the prompts.If you find this application useful, please feel to make ato the site.This standalone conversion program uses the opensource wpd2odt and pandocutilities to convert WP files to DOCX files or PDF files.

It can also convert.WPG images to PNG files using the open-source wpg2svg and rsvg-convert programs. It is by far the fastest of these conversion programs, but the results may not be as satisfactory as the results given by the WPWordConverter.Download WPExport in (18 MB). Extract the WPExport application and placeit anywhere on your disk.You can drop one or more files on the application to convert them to DOCX format; the original files will remain unchanged; the converted versions will be in the same folder and have the same name as the original, with a.DOCX extension. Alternatively, you can launch the application and select one file to convert.By default, this application converts WP files to DOCX format, but if you change the nameof the application so that it includes the letters 'PDF', it will create PDFfiles instead.You may also drop one or more WPG graphics files on the applcation, and it will create one or more PNGfiles in the same directory.This standalone conversion program is based on the conversion software in theLibreOffice word-processor, which uses the most recent version of theopen-source lipwpd WordPerfect import filter. The converter was devised by thecreator of this site; if you find it useful, please feel to make ato the site.By default, it exports files to.DOC format, but can be customized to exportto.RTF or PDF formats instead.

(See afor more details about LibreOffice.) The program may also be used toso thatthey may be edited in WPMac.Download the WPLO Converter in(175 MB). Extract the WPLO Converter andplace it anywhere on your disk.Supported versions of OS X/macOS: The WPLO Converter runsunder OS X 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, 10.12, 10.13, and 10.14.Warning: The first time you try to converta file with the WPLO Converter, it will almost certainly fail with an errormessage, or it will simply fail without an error.

If this happens, simplyrun the program again. It should work correctlyafter the first time.You may convert one or more WP files by dropping them on the WPLO Converter,or you may double-click on the application and select a WP file. The first timeyou launch the application it may not succeed in starting the requiredbackground processes.

If this occurs, it will display one or more errormessages. Close down the software and try again.

After the first time it runscorrectly, it should work more smoothly in the future.The exported files will be in the same folder with the original, with thesame name as the original, but with an added.DOC,.RTF,.ODT, or.PDF extension. If afile already exists with the same name, the newly-created copy will have anumber at the end of the name, before the extension. By default, the programexports in.DOC format, which is the native format of Microsoft Word 97 through2003.The WPLO Converter can convert password-protected WordPerfect documents if -and only if - both of the following are true: ( 1) you know thepassword and can enter it when prompted; ( 2) the documents were createdeither by WordPerfect for the Macintosh or any version of WordPerfect for DOS orWindows or Unix up to and including 5.2, but not 6.x or later.You may customize the WPLO Converter by changing its name, as described inthe following paragraphs.

You may give any name to the application; the presenceor absence of specific strings of letters control the way the program operates.For example, you can rename the program 'BritneySpears' and it will work exactlyas it normally does; but if you rename it as 'Britney PDF Spears' then it willexport to.PDF format instead of the default.DOC format.Change the default output format. By default the WPLO Converterexports files in.DOC format.

To export to.RTF format, add the string 'RTF' tothe name of the application. To export to the.ODT format used by LibreOffice andOpenOffice.org, add the string 'ODT' to the name of the application. To export to.PDF format, add the string 'PDF' to thename of the application.Automatically open the converted file. If you want to edit theconverted file immediately after creating it, add the string 'Open' to the nameof the converter. The converted file will open in the default application usedby OS X/macOS to open the filetype of the converted file.

For example, if you add'Open RTF' to the name of the converter, the converted.RTF file will openautomatically in TextEdit.Specify the application that opens the converted file. If you wantthe converted document to open automatically in a different application from theOS X/macOS default for the filetype, add 'Setup' to the name of theapplication. Youwill be presented with a list of applications that OS X/macOS can use to open theoutput file; select the one you wish to use.

Before running the WPLO Converter asecond time, remove 'Setup' from the name. (Each time you use the 'Setup'option, you will need to select an application, or the default application willbe restored.)Display a brief help message. To display a help message, add 'Help'to the name of the application.To do this, follow theseinstructions:To convert from other formats to WP format, change the name of the WPLOConverter so that it includes 'to WP' in its name (that's 'to WP' with a spacebetween the two words, NOT 'toWP' - this is important!). For example, you mightcall it 'WPLO to WP Converter' or anything that includes 'to WP'.Drop a DOC, DOCX, RTF, or other standard document file on to the renamedapplication (or double-click it so that it prompts you to select a file). Theapplication will open and close a few windows, and finally create a WPMac 3.0file (that's WPMac 3.0, not 3.5e) in the same folder as the original, with thesame filename as the original but with a '.wpmac' extension added at the end ofthe name. That extension is arbitrary, and of course you can rename the outputfiles to any name you like. (If the filename of the converted file is longer than 31characters, you will need to shorten the name before you can open the file inWPMac.)If you change the 'LOWP Converter' application name so that it includes 'toWP5' (or 'to WP01' - all that matters is the 'to WP5' part) it willoutput files in WP51 format instead of WPMac 3.0.

If you change the applicationname so that it includes 'to WP6', it will output files in WP6.x format. If youuse either of these options (for WP5 or WP6) the converted file will have theextension '.wpd' instead of '.wpmac'; '.wpd' is the standard extensionfor WPfiles under Windows.Note: The WPLO Converter is frequently updated.This standalone conversion program uses the old MacLink converters (runningunder OS 8.6 in the SheepShaver emulator) to convert WP files to DOC or PDFfiles, or to convert Word DOC or DOCX files to WPDOS 5.1 files (which can beopened in any version of WP for DOS, Windows, or the Mac).Download WPConversions in(220 MB). Extract the WPConversions application and placeit anywhere on your disk.By default, it converts WP files to DOC format, but if you change the name ofthe application so that it includes the letters 'PDF, it will create PDF filesinstead. Either drop a WP file on the application, or launch the application andselect a file. The DOC file (or PDF file) will be created in the same folder withthe WP file.If you rename the application so that it has the string 'toWP' in its name(not case-sensitive, but without a space between 'to' and 'WP') it will convert DOC or DOCX files to WP 5.1format. Either drop a Word file on the application, or launch the applicationand select a file. The WP file will be created in the same folder with the Wordfile.Summary of naming options:.

By default, WPConversions creates DOCfiles. If you like, rename it something like WPtoDOC, and itwill continue to create DOC files. Rename it something like WPtoPDF, and it will createPDF files.

Rename it something like WordToWP and it will convertWord DOC or DOCX files to WPDOS 5.1 files.Important! If, when the SheepShaver emulator starts up,it displays a message asking you to check the web for updated filters orcontinue translation, click the button that says 'Continue Translation'! Youmay need to click it twice; be patient.This standalone conversion program uses multiple methods for converting WPfiles into other formats. When converting WPMac files, it uses a copy ofWordPerfect for the Mac running in the SheepShaver emulator program; whenconverting most WPDOS or WPWin files, it uses the DOS-based ConvertPerfectutility, running in the DOSBox emulator; for a very few older WP documentformats, it uses modules from the DOS-based Word for Word program, also runningin DOSBox. By default, it exports files to.RTF format, but can be customized toexport to.DOC or PDF formats instead.Because files created in the WPMac 3.5e (3.5 Enhanced) format may not beopened in WordPerfect for Windows, the WP Converter can also export these filesto the formats used by WPMac 3.0-3.5.4, WPDOS 5.1, or WPDOS 6.x; these files canbe opened in WordPerfect for Windows.The converter was devised by the creator of this site; if you find it useful,please feel to make ato the site.Download the WP Converter in(32 MB). Extract the WP Converter and placeit anywhere on your disk.Supported versions of OS X/macOS: I have tested the WPConverter under OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, 10.11, macOS 10.12and 10.13.You may convert one or more WP files by dropping them on the WP Converter, oryou may double-click on the application and select a WP file to convert.The exported files will be in the same folder with the original, with thesame name as the original, but with an added.RTF,.DOC, or.PDF extension. If afile already exists with the same name, the newly-created copy will have anumber at the end of the name, before the extension.

By default, the programexports in.RTF format. Files exported in.DOC format use an older version ofthat format which may not be openable in many versions of Microsoft Word, so youare advised to export to the default.RTF format instead.You may customize the WP Converter by changing its name, as described in thefollowing paragraphs. You may give any name to the application, but the presence orabsence of specific strings of letters in its name will control the way the program operates. Appointment made on iphone not showing up in outlook for mac. Forexample, you can rename the program 'JustinBieber' and it will work exactly asit normally does; but if you rename it as 'Justin PDF Bieber' then it willexport to.PDF format instead of the default.RTF format.Change the default output format.

By default the WP Converterexports files in.RTF format. To export to.DOC format, add the string 'DOC' tothe name of the converter. To export to.PDF format, add the string 'PDF' to thename of the converter.To use the Mac-based converter to convert all files, even those createdby WPDOS or WPWin. The different conversion methods available in thisapplication produce slightly different results. If you prefer to use theembedded copy of WPMac for converting files created by WPDOS or WPWin (inaddition to using it for WPMac files), add the string 'AllMac' to theapplication name.To use the DOS-based converter to convert all files, even those createdby WPMac. The different conversion methods available in this applicationproduce slightly different results.

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If you prefer to use the DOS-basedConvertPerfect or Word for Word converters for WPMac files (in addition to usingthem for WPDOS files), add the string 'NoMac' to the application name.To convert WPMac documents to a different WP format. To convertfiles in WPMac format to a WP format that can be opened by WordPerfect forWindows, add any of these strings to the name of the converter: 'ToWP3' (exportsto WPMac 3.0-3.5.4 format), 'ToWP51' (exports to WPDOS 5.1 format), or 'ToWP60'(exports to WPDOS 6.x format). (Note that this option may not be used with the'NoMac' option described above.)Display a brief help message. To display a help message, add 'Help'to the name of the application.Troubleshooting. The procedure used by this application forconverting WPMac files uses an embedded copy of WPMac running the SheepShaveremulator, with WPMac and SheepShaver controlled by AppleScripts. This is acomplicated system; in case of difficulties, you may need to pause the operationto manipulate the SheepShaver setup. Add the string 'NoStart' to the convertername so that SheepShaver will open, but the conversion process will not beginautomatically.

To prevent SheepShaver from closing down after the conversionprocess, add the string 'NoQuit'.

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